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The Presidential Oath Of Office
I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States,
 and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.


George Washington

Presidents of the United States

1 George Washington Fed 04-30-1789 03-03-1797 02-22-1732 12-14-1799
2 John Adams Fed 03-04-1797 03-03-1801 10-30-1735 07-04-1826
3 Thomas Jefferson Dem/Rep 03-04-1801 03-03-1809 04-13-1743 07-04-1826
4 James Madison Dem/Rep 03-04-1809 03-03-1817 03-16-1751 06-28-1836
5 James Monroe Dem/Rep 03-04-1817 03-03-1825 04-28-1758 07-04-1831
6 John Quincy Adams Dem/Rep 03-04-1825 03-03-1829 07-11-1767 02-23-1848
7 Andrew Jackson Dem 03-04-1829 03-03-1837 03-15-1767 06-08-1845
8 Martin Van Buren Dem 03-04-1837 03-03-1841 12-05-1782 07-24-1862
9 William Henry Harrison Whig 03-04-1841 04-04-1841 02-09-1773 04-04-1841
10 John Tyler Whig 04-06-1841 03-03-1845 03-29-1845 01-18-1862
11 James Knox Polk Dem 03-04-1845 03-03-1849 11-02-1795 06-15-1849
12 Zachary Taylor Whig 03-05-1849 07-09-1850 11-24-1784 07-09-1850
13 Millard Fillmore Whig 07-09-1850 03-03-1853 01-07-1800 03-08-1874
14 Franklin Pierce Dem 03-04-1853 03-03-1857 11-23-1804 10-08-1869
15 James Buchanan Dem 03-04-1857 03-03-1861 04-23-1791 06-01-1868
16 Abraham Lincoln Rep 03-04-1861 04-15-1865 02-12-1809 04-15-1865
17 Andrew Johnson Dem 04-15-1865 03-03-1869 12-29-1808 07-31-1875
18 Ulysses Simpson Grant Rep 03-04-1869 03-03-1877 04-27-1822 07-23-1885
19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes Rep 03-04-1877 03-03-1881 10-04-1822 01-17-1893
20 James Abram Garfield Rep 03-04-1881 09-19-1881 11-19-1831 09-19-1881
21 Chester Alan Arthur Rep 09-19-1881 03-03-1885 10-05-1830 11-18-1886
22 Grover Cleveland Dem 03-04-1885 03-03-1889 03-18-1837 06-24-1908
23 Benjamin Harrison Rep 03-04-1889 03-03-1893 08-20-1833 03-13-1901
24 Grover Cleveland Dem 03-04-1893 03-03-1897 03-18-1837 06-24-1908
25 William McKinley Rep 03-04-1897 09-14-1901 01-29-1843 09-14-1901
26 Theodore Roosevelt Rep 09-14-1901 03-03-1909 10-27-1858 01-06-1919
27 William Howard Taft Rep 03-04-1909 03-03-1913 09-15-1857 03-08-1930
28 Woodrow Wilson Dem 03-04-1913 03-03-1921 12-28-1856 02-03-1924
29 Warren Gamaliel Harding Rep 03-04-1921 08-02-1923 11-02-1865 08-02-1923
30 Calvin Coolidge Rep 08-03-1923 03-03-1929 07-04-1872 01-05-1933
31 Herbert Clark Hoover Rep 03-04-1929 03-03-1933 08-10-1874 10-20-1964
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Dem 04-03-1933 04-12-1945 01-30-1882 04-12-1945
33  Harry S Truman Dem 04-12-1945 01-20-1953 05-08-1884 12-26-1972
34 Dwight David Eisenhower Rep 01-20-1953 01-20-1961 10-14-2890 03-28-1969
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Dem 01-20-1961 11-22-1963 05-29-1917 11-22-1963
36 Lyndon Baines Johnson Dem 11-22-1963 01-20-1969 08-27-1908 01-22-1973
37 Richard Milhous Nixon Rep 01-20-1969 08-09-1974 01-09-1913 04-22-1994
38 Gerald Rudolph Ford Rep 08-09-1974 01-20-1977 07-14-1913  12-26-2006
39 James Earl Carter, Jr. Dem 01-20-1977 01-20-1981 10-01-1924 12-29-2024
40 Ronald Wilson Reagan Rep 01-20-1981 01-20-1989 02-06-1911  06-05-2004
41 George Herbert Walker Bush Rep 01-20-1989 01-20-1993 06-12-1924 11-30-2018
42 William Jefferson Clinton Dem 01-20-1993 01-20-2001 08-19-1946   
43 George W. Bush Rep 01-20-2001 01-20-2009 07-06-1946  
44 Barack Hussein Obama Dem 01-20-2009  01-20-2017 08-04-1961  
45 Donald John Trump Rep  01-20-2017 01-20-2021 06-14-1946
46 Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Dem 01-20-2021 01-20-2025 10-20-1942
47 Donald John Trump Rep 01-20-2025 01-20-2029 06-14-1946

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